* = Undergraduate student, ^ = Graduate student
Kays, R. et al. (76th of 152 authors). In review. SNAPSHOT USA 2020: A second coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ecology.
Adams, C.S.^, D. Saenz, S.J. Mullin, K.R. Kidd, C.M. Schalk. In review. The influence of forest management on the snakes in forest food webs. Herpetological Monographs.
McInnerney, C.^, C.E. Comer, B.P Oswald, C.M. Schalk, R. Masse. In review. Nest site selection and nesting success of Dickcissel and Painted Bunting in restored post oak savanna in East Texas. Journal of Field Ornithology.
Luhring, T.M., L. Wszola^, G. Connette, C.M. Schalk. In review. Droughts reduce growth and increase demographic vulnerability to drying events for an ectotherm with size-dependent estivation ability. Scientific Reports.
Arnett, J.M.*, C.S. Adams^, C.G. Montaña, C.M. Schalk. In review. Mediterranean house geckos (Hemidactylus turcicus) exploit novel resources in a recipient lizard assemblage. Urban Ecosystems.
Schalk, C.M., H.A. Hester*, D. Saenz. In review. Advertisement calls for eleven anuran species from the Gran Chaco of Bolivia. Cuadernos de Herpetologia.
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, L.A. Fitzgerald. In review. Species packing, functional traits, and community organization of tropical frogs. Oecologia.
Adams, C.S.^, D. Saenz, K.R. Kidd, C.M. Schalk. In press. Disparate patterns of taxonomic and functional predator diversity under different forest management regimes. Ecological Indicators.
Schalk, C.M., Y.H. Weng, C.S. Adams^, D. Saenz. In press. Spatiotemporal patterns of snake captures and activity in upland pine forests. The American Midland Naturalist.
Montaña, C.G., F.W. Keppeler, C.P. Laughrey*, C.M. Schalk. 2021. Community assembly within ponds: The role of space, time, and environmental gradients. Aquatic Ecology. doi: 10.1007/s10452-021-09902-0.
Montaña, C.G., E. Liverpool, D.C. Taphorn, C.M. Schalk. 2021. The cost of gold: mercury contamination of fishes in a Neotropical river food web. Neotropical Ichthyology. 19. doi: 10.1590/1982-0224-2020-0155.
McInnerney, C.^, C.E. Comer, B.P Oswald, R. Masse, C.M. Schalk. 2021. Avian responses to post oak savannah restoration in eastern Texas. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 12:61-69. doi: 10.3996/JFWM-20-028. PDF
Cove, M.V. et al. (75th of 150 authors). 2021. SNAPSHOT USA 2019: the first coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States. Ecology. 102:e03353. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3353
Saenz, D., K.A. Baum, L.A. Fitzgerald, C.M. Schalk. 2020. Refining the activity level-predation risk paradigm in larval anuran communities. Aquatic Sciences. 83:4. doi: 10.1007/s00027-020-00752-w.
Ward, K.J.*, K.L. Jobe*, N.C. Schiwitz*, D. Saenz, C.M Schalk. 2020. The diversity of erosion control products and implications for wildlife entanglement. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 75:82A-87A. doi: 10.2489/jswc.2020.1118A. PDF
Ward, K.J.*, K.L. Jobe*, N.C. Schiwitz*, D. Saenz, C.M Schalk. 2020. Risk of snake entanglement is affected by installation method of erosion control blankets. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 11:273-278. doi: 10.3996/102019-JFWM-087. PDF
Schiwitz, N.C.*, C.M. Schalk, D. Saenz. 2020. The activity level-predation risk tradeoff in a tadpole guild: Implications for community organization along the hydroperiod gradient. The American Midland Naturalist. 183:223-232. doi: 10.1637/0003-0031-183.2.223. PDF
Jobe, K.L.*, C.G. Montaña, C.M Schalk. 2019. Emergent patterns between salamander prey and their predators. Food Webs. e00128. doi: 10.1016/j.fooweb.2019.e00128.
Montaña, C.G., S. Silva^, D. Hagyari^, J. Wager*, L. Tiegs^, C. Sadeghian^, T.A. Schriever, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Revisiting ‘What do tadpoles really eat?’: A ten-year perspective. Freshwater Biology. 64: 2269-2282. doi: 10.1111/fwb.13397.
Lutterschmidt, W.I., J.M. Weidler^, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Hot moments and hot spots in the bayou: Spatiotemporal patterns of road occurrence in a snake assemblage in Louisiana, USA. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 15:533-545. PDF
Ebert, S.E.*, K.L. Jobe*, C.M. Schalk, D. Saenz, C.K. Adams, C.E. Comer. 2019. Correlates of snake entanglement in erosion control blankets. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 43:231-237. doi: 10.1002/wsb.963. Highlighted by The Wildlife Society and Herpetological Review. Recognized as one of the The Wildlife Society's Top Ten Wildlife Stories of 2019.
Matich, P., C.M. Schalk. 2019. Move it or lose it: interspecific variation in risk response of pond-breeding anurans. PeerJ. doi: 10.7717/peerj.6956. PDF
Kulhavy, D.L., C.M. Schalk, R.A. Viegut*, D.R. Unger, S.W. Shockley*, I. Hung. 2019. Using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to quantify mistletoe in urban environments. Urban Naturalist. 20:1-10. PDF
Schalk, C.M., M.V. Cove. 2018. Squamates as prey: Predator diversity patterns and predator-prey size relationships. Food Webs. e00103. doi: 10.1016/j.fooweb.2018.e00103.
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, K. Kralman*, D.J. Leavitt. 2018. Functional distance and establishment of non-native species with complex life cycles. Biological Invasions. 20:1945-1952. doi: 10.1007/s10530-018-1678-3. PDF
Montaña, C.G., C.M. Schalk. 2018. Correlates of elemental-isotopic composition of stream fishes: The importance of land-use, species identity, and body size. Journal of Fish Biology. 92:944-960. doi: 10.1111/jfb.13554.
Schalk, C.M., T. Trees, J.B. Pierce, D.C. Rudolph. 2018. Food habits of sympatric pitvipers of the West Gulf Coastal Plain, USA. Herpetological Review. 49:1-5. PDF
Leavitt, D.J., C.M. Schalk. 2018. Functional perspectives on the dynamics of desert lizard assemblages. Journal of Arid Environments. 150: 34-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2017.11.014. PDF
Ceneviva-Bastos, M., C.G. Montaña, C.M. Schalk, L. Casatti, P.B. Carmargo. 2017. Responses of aquatic food webs to the addition of structural complexity and basal resource diversity in degraded Neotropical streams. Austral Ecology. 42:908-919. doi: 10.1111/aec.12518. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, K.O. Winemiller, L.A. Fitzgerald. 2017. Trophic plasticity, environmental gradients, and food-web structure of tropical pond communities. Freshwater Biology. 62:519-529. doi: 10.1111/fwb.12882. PDF
Sosa, R.*, C.M. Schalk. 2016. Seasonal activity and species habitat guilds influence road–kill patterns of Neotropical snakes. Tropical Conservation Science. 9:1-12. doi: 10.1177/1940082916679662. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2016. Predator-induced phenotypic plasticity in an arid-adapted tropical tadpole. Austral Ecology. 41:415-422. doi: 10.1111/aec.12327. PDF
Luhring, T.M., G.M. Connette, C.M. Schalk. 2016. Trap characteristics and species morphology explain size-biased sampling of two salamander species. Amphibia-Reptilia. 37:79-89. doi: 10.1163/15685381-00003034
Schalk, C.M., D. Saenz. 2016. Environmental drivers of anuran calling phenology in a seasonal Neotropical ecosystem. Austral Ecology. 41:16-27. doi: 10.1111/aec.12281. PDF Cover Image
Layman, C.A., S.T. Giery, S. Buhler, R. Rossi, C.G. Montaña, T. Penland, M.N. Henson, A.K. Bogdanoff, M.V. Cove, A.D. Irizarry, C.M. Schalk, S.K. Archer. 2015. A primer on the history of food web ecology: Fundamental contributions of fourteen researchers. Food Webs. 4:14-24. doi: 10.1016/j.fooweb.2015.07.001. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, L.E. Springer*. 2015. Morphological diversity and community organization of desert anurans. Journal of Arid Environments. 122:132-140. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2015.06.019. PDF
Schalk, C.M., L.A. Fitzgerald. 2015. Ontogenetic shifts in ambush site selection of a sit-and-wait predator, the Chacoan Horned Frog (Ceratophrys cranwelli). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 93:461-467. doi: 10.1139/cjz-2014-0320. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, J.L. Klemish, E.R. Wild. 2014. On the diet of the frogs of the Ceratophryidae: Synopsis and new contributions. South American Journal of Herpetology. 9:90-105. doi: 10.2994/SAJH-D-14-00008.1. PDF
Schalk, C.M., M. Sezano*. 2014. Observations on the use of tarantula burrows by the anurans Leptodactylus bufonius (Leptodactylidae) and Rhinella major (Bufonidae) in the Dry Chaco ecoregion of Bolivia. Acta Herpetologica. 9:99-102 doi: 10.13128/Acta_Herpetol-13606. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, M. Libson*. 2014. Reproductive strategies of two Neotropical killifish, Austrolebias vandenbergi and Neofundulus ornatipinnis (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) in the Bolivian Gran Chaco. Revista de Biologia Tropical. 62:109-117. PDF
Schalk, C.M., M. Senzano*, R.L. Cuellar. 2013. Inventory of the amphibians and reptiles from a locality in the Kaa-Iya of the Gran Chaco National Park, Bolivia. Kempffiana. 9:26-33. PDF
Montaña, C.G., C.M. Schalk, D.C. Taphorn. 2012. First record of Van den Berg's Pearlfish, Austrolebias vandenbergi Huber, 1995 (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) in Bolivia with comments on its diet and reproductive biology. Check List. 8:589-591. doi: 10.15560/8.3.589. PDF
Patrick, D.A., C.M. Schalk, J.P. Gibbs, H.W. Woltz. 2010. Effective culvert placement and design to facilitate passage of amphibians across roads. Journal of Herpetology. 44:618-626. doi: 10.1670/09-094.1. PDF
Schalk, C.M., T.M. Luhring, B.A. Crawford. 2010. Summer microhabitat use of the greater siren (Siren lacertina) and two-toed amphiuma (Amphiuma means) in an isolated wetland. Amphibia-Reptilia. 31:251-256. doi: 10.1163/156853810791069155. PDF
Schalk, C.M., T.M. Luhring. 2010. Vagility of aquatic salamanders: implications for wetland connectivity. Journal of Herpetology. 44:104-109. doi: 10.1670/08-312.1. PDF
Kays, R. et al. (76th of 152 authors). In review. SNAPSHOT USA 2020: A second coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ecology.
Adams, C.S.^, D. Saenz, S.J. Mullin, K.R. Kidd, C.M. Schalk. In review. The influence of forest management on the snakes in forest food webs. Herpetological Monographs.
McInnerney, C.^, C.E. Comer, B.P Oswald, C.M. Schalk, R. Masse. In review. Nest site selection and nesting success of Dickcissel and Painted Bunting in restored post oak savanna in East Texas. Journal of Field Ornithology.
Luhring, T.M., L. Wszola^, G. Connette, C.M. Schalk. In review. Droughts reduce growth and increase demographic vulnerability to drying events for an ectotherm with size-dependent estivation ability. Scientific Reports.
Arnett, J.M.*, C.S. Adams^, C.G. Montaña, C.M. Schalk. In review. Mediterranean house geckos (Hemidactylus turcicus) exploit novel resources in a recipient lizard assemblage. Urban Ecosystems.
Schalk, C.M., H.A. Hester*, D. Saenz. In review. Advertisement calls for eleven anuran species from the Gran Chaco of Bolivia. Cuadernos de Herpetologia.
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, L.A. Fitzgerald. In review. Species packing, functional traits, and community organization of tropical frogs. Oecologia.
Adams, C.S.^, D. Saenz, K.R. Kidd, C.M. Schalk. In press. Disparate patterns of taxonomic and functional predator diversity under different forest management regimes. Ecological Indicators.
Schalk, C.M., Y.H. Weng, C.S. Adams^, D. Saenz. In press. Spatiotemporal patterns of snake captures and activity in upland pine forests. The American Midland Naturalist.
Montaña, C.G., F.W. Keppeler, C.P. Laughrey*, C.M. Schalk. 2021. Community assembly within ponds: The role of space, time, and environmental gradients. Aquatic Ecology. doi: 10.1007/s10452-021-09902-0.
Montaña, C.G., E. Liverpool, D.C. Taphorn, C.M. Schalk. 2021. The cost of gold: mercury contamination of fishes in a Neotropical river food web. Neotropical Ichthyology. 19. doi: 10.1590/1982-0224-2020-0155.
McInnerney, C.^, C.E. Comer, B.P Oswald, R. Masse, C.M. Schalk. 2021. Avian responses to post oak savannah restoration in eastern Texas. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 12:61-69. doi: 10.3996/JFWM-20-028. PDF
Cove, M.V. et al. (75th of 150 authors). 2021. SNAPSHOT USA 2019: the first coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States. Ecology. 102:e03353. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3353
Saenz, D., K.A. Baum, L.A. Fitzgerald, C.M. Schalk. 2020. Refining the activity level-predation risk paradigm in larval anuran communities. Aquatic Sciences. 83:4. doi: 10.1007/s00027-020-00752-w.
Ward, K.J.*, K.L. Jobe*, N.C. Schiwitz*, D. Saenz, C.M Schalk. 2020. The diversity of erosion control products and implications for wildlife entanglement. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 75:82A-87A. doi: 10.2489/jswc.2020.1118A. PDF
Ward, K.J.*, K.L. Jobe*, N.C. Schiwitz*, D. Saenz, C.M Schalk. 2020. Risk of snake entanglement is affected by installation method of erosion control blankets. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 11:273-278. doi: 10.3996/102019-JFWM-087. PDF
Schiwitz, N.C.*, C.M. Schalk, D. Saenz. 2020. The activity level-predation risk tradeoff in a tadpole guild: Implications for community organization along the hydroperiod gradient. The American Midland Naturalist. 183:223-232. doi: 10.1637/0003-0031-183.2.223. PDF
Jobe, K.L.*, C.G. Montaña, C.M Schalk. 2019. Emergent patterns between salamander prey and their predators. Food Webs. e00128. doi: 10.1016/j.fooweb.2019.e00128.
Montaña, C.G., S. Silva^, D. Hagyari^, J. Wager*, L. Tiegs^, C. Sadeghian^, T.A. Schriever, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Revisiting ‘What do tadpoles really eat?’: A ten-year perspective. Freshwater Biology. 64: 2269-2282. doi: 10.1111/fwb.13397.
Lutterschmidt, W.I., J.M. Weidler^, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Hot moments and hot spots in the bayou: Spatiotemporal patterns of road occurrence in a snake assemblage in Louisiana, USA. Herpetological Conservation and Biology. 15:533-545. PDF
Ebert, S.E.*, K.L. Jobe*, C.M. Schalk, D. Saenz, C.K. Adams, C.E. Comer. 2019. Correlates of snake entanglement in erosion control blankets. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 43:231-237. doi: 10.1002/wsb.963. Highlighted by The Wildlife Society and Herpetological Review. Recognized as one of the The Wildlife Society's Top Ten Wildlife Stories of 2019.
Matich, P., C.M. Schalk. 2019. Move it or lose it: interspecific variation in risk response of pond-breeding anurans. PeerJ. doi: 10.7717/peerj.6956. PDF
Kulhavy, D.L., C.M. Schalk, R.A. Viegut*, D.R. Unger, S.W. Shockley*, I. Hung. 2019. Using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to quantify mistletoe in urban environments. Urban Naturalist. 20:1-10. PDF
Schalk, C.M., M.V. Cove. 2018. Squamates as prey: Predator diversity patterns and predator-prey size relationships. Food Webs. e00103. doi: 10.1016/j.fooweb.2018.e00103.
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, K. Kralman*, D.J. Leavitt. 2018. Functional distance and establishment of non-native species with complex life cycles. Biological Invasions. 20:1945-1952. doi: 10.1007/s10530-018-1678-3. PDF
Montaña, C.G., C.M. Schalk. 2018. Correlates of elemental-isotopic composition of stream fishes: The importance of land-use, species identity, and body size. Journal of Fish Biology. 92:944-960. doi: 10.1111/jfb.13554.
Schalk, C.M., T. Trees, J.B. Pierce, D.C. Rudolph. 2018. Food habits of sympatric pitvipers of the West Gulf Coastal Plain, USA. Herpetological Review. 49:1-5. PDF
Leavitt, D.J., C.M. Schalk. 2018. Functional perspectives on the dynamics of desert lizard assemblages. Journal of Arid Environments. 150: 34-41. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2017.11.014. PDF
Ceneviva-Bastos, M., C.G. Montaña, C.M. Schalk, L. Casatti, P.B. Carmargo. 2017. Responses of aquatic food webs to the addition of structural complexity and basal resource diversity in degraded Neotropical streams. Austral Ecology. 42:908-919. doi: 10.1111/aec.12518. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, K.O. Winemiller, L.A. Fitzgerald. 2017. Trophic plasticity, environmental gradients, and food-web structure of tropical pond communities. Freshwater Biology. 62:519-529. doi: 10.1111/fwb.12882. PDF
Sosa, R.*, C.M. Schalk. 2016. Seasonal activity and species habitat guilds influence road–kill patterns of Neotropical snakes. Tropical Conservation Science. 9:1-12. doi: 10.1177/1940082916679662. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2016. Predator-induced phenotypic plasticity in an arid-adapted tropical tadpole. Austral Ecology. 41:415-422. doi: 10.1111/aec.12327. PDF
Luhring, T.M., G.M. Connette, C.M. Schalk. 2016. Trap characteristics and species morphology explain size-biased sampling of two salamander species. Amphibia-Reptilia. 37:79-89. doi: 10.1163/15685381-00003034
Schalk, C.M., D. Saenz. 2016. Environmental drivers of anuran calling phenology in a seasonal Neotropical ecosystem. Austral Ecology. 41:16-27. doi: 10.1111/aec.12281. PDF Cover Image
Layman, C.A., S.T. Giery, S. Buhler, R. Rossi, C.G. Montaña, T. Penland, M.N. Henson, A.K. Bogdanoff, M.V. Cove, A.D. Irizarry, C.M. Schalk, S.K. Archer. 2015. A primer on the history of food web ecology: Fundamental contributions of fourteen researchers. Food Webs. 4:14-24. doi: 10.1016/j.fooweb.2015.07.001. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, L.E. Springer*. 2015. Morphological diversity and community organization of desert anurans. Journal of Arid Environments. 122:132-140. doi: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2015.06.019. PDF
Schalk, C.M., L.A. Fitzgerald. 2015. Ontogenetic shifts in ambush site selection of a sit-and-wait predator, the Chacoan Horned Frog (Ceratophrys cranwelli). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 93:461-467. doi: 10.1139/cjz-2014-0320. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, J.L. Klemish, E.R. Wild. 2014. On the diet of the frogs of the Ceratophryidae: Synopsis and new contributions. South American Journal of Herpetology. 9:90-105. doi: 10.2994/SAJH-D-14-00008.1. PDF
Schalk, C.M., M. Sezano*. 2014. Observations on the use of tarantula burrows by the anurans Leptodactylus bufonius (Leptodactylidae) and Rhinella major (Bufonidae) in the Dry Chaco ecoregion of Bolivia. Acta Herpetologica. 9:99-102 doi: 10.13128/Acta_Herpetol-13606. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña, M. Libson*. 2014. Reproductive strategies of two Neotropical killifish, Austrolebias vandenbergi and Neofundulus ornatipinnis (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) in the Bolivian Gran Chaco. Revista de Biologia Tropical. 62:109-117. PDF
Schalk, C.M., M. Senzano*, R.L. Cuellar. 2013. Inventory of the amphibians and reptiles from a locality in the Kaa-Iya of the Gran Chaco National Park, Bolivia. Kempffiana. 9:26-33. PDF
Montaña, C.G., C.M. Schalk, D.C. Taphorn. 2012. First record of Van den Berg's Pearlfish, Austrolebias vandenbergi Huber, 1995 (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) in Bolivia with comments on its diet and reproductive biology. Check List. 8:589-591. doi: 10.15560/8.3.589. PDF
Patrick, D.A., C.M. Schalk, J.P. Gibbs, H.W. Woltz. 2010. Effective culvert placement and design to facilitate passage of amphibians across roads. Journal of Herpetology. 44:618-626. doi: 10.1670/09-094.1. PDF
Schalk, C.M., T.M. Luhring, B.A. Crawford. 2010. Summer microhabitat use of the greater siren (Siren lacertina) and two-toed amphiuma (Amphiuma means) in an isolated wetland. Amphibia-Reptilia. 31:251-256. doi: 10.1163/156853810791069155. PDF
Schalk, C.M., T.M. Luhring. 2010. Vagility of aquatic salamanders: implications for wetland connectivity. Journal of Herpetology. 44:104-109. doi: 10.1670/08-312.1. PDF
Notes and Species Accounts
* = Undergraduate student, ^ = Graduate student
Baxter-Bray, W.S*., B.C. Bowers^, C.S. Adams, C.G.R. Salter,* J.A. Lara*, C.M. Schalk. In review. Amphibian and reptile county records from the pineywoods of northeast Texas, USA. Herpetological Review.
Schalk, C.M., R.L. Antoniazzi, D. Rosenbaum^, J.M. Arnett, A. Pelletier, C.S. Adams, W. Baxter-Bray*. In press. Amphiuma tridactylum (Three-toed Amphiuma) Geographic Distribution. Herpetological Review.
Garcia, N.*, C.M. Schalk. 2020. Incilius nebulifer (Gulf Coast Toad). Polymelia. Herpetological Review. 51:99. PDF
Thompson, D.W.*, C.S. Adams^, C.M Schalk. 2020. Farancia abacura (Red-bellied Mudsnake) Overland Movement. Herpetological Review. 51:142-143. PDF
Childress, J., C.K. Adams, D. Saenz, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Bronze Frog (Lithobates clamitans) entanglement and mortality in an erosion control blanket. Collinsorum. 8:11-12. PDF
Koenig, J.R*, K.L. Jobe*, S.E. Ebert*, C.S. Adams^, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Liodytes rigida (Glossy Swampsnake). Geographic Distribution. Herpetological Review. 50:530-531. PDF
Sosa, R., M. Senzano, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Micrurus pyrrhocryptus. Feeding Habits. Herpetological Review. 50:518-519. PDF
Daza, J.D., L. Price, C.M. Schalk, A.M. Bauer, A.R. Borman, J.K. Peterhans. 2017. Predation on Southern Turnip-tailed geckos (Thecadactylus solimoensis) by a Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata). Cuadernos de Herpetología. 31:37-39. PDF
Schalk, C.M., D.J. Leavitt. 2017. Leptodactylus bufonius. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 905:1-22. PDF
Springer, L.E.*, C.M. Schalk. 2016. Lepidobatrachus laevis. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 904:1-16. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2016. Rhinella major and Rhinella schneideri (Granular and Rococo Toad). Reproductive Behavior. Herpetological Review. 47:120-121. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2015. Physalaemus nattereri (Cuyaba Dwarf Frog). Tadpole Diet. Herpetological Review. 46:613-614. PDF
Sosa, R.*, C.M. Schalk, L. Braga*, J.N. Pinto-Ledezema. 2015. Rhinella amboroensis. Geographic Distribution. Herpetological Review. 46: 214. PDF
Sosa, R.*, C.M. Schalk, L. Braga*, A.M. Langer. 2015. Apostolepis multicincta. Diet. Herpetological Review. 46:99. PDF
Romano, T.J.*, D.J. Leavitt, C.M. Schalk, D.E. Dittmer, L.A. Fitzgerald. 2014. Vertebrate by-catch of pipeline trenches in the Mescalero-Monahans shinnery sands of southeastern New Mexico. The Prairie Naturalist. 46:95-96. PDF
Montaña, C.G., M. Ceneviva-Bastos, C.M. Schalk. 2014. New vertebrate prey for the aquatic salamander Amphiuma means (Caudata: Amphiumidae). Herpetology Notes. 7:755-756. PDF
Senzano, M.*, C.M. Schalk. 2013. Leptodactylus bufonius (Oven Frog) Predation. Herpetological Review. 44:293-294. PDF
Schalk, C.M., D. Ticona*. 2013. Rhinella schneideri (Rococo Toad) Breeding Site. Herpetological Review. 44:299-300. PDF
Sosa, R.*, L. Braga*, C.M. Schalk, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2013. Micrurus serranus (Coral Verdadera) Diet. Herpetological Review. 44:155. PDF
Sosa, R.*, L. Braga*, C.M. Schalk, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2013. Philodryas psammophidea (Günther's green racer) Diet. The Herpetological Bulletin. 124:24. PDF
Sosa, R., L. Braga*, C.M. Schalk, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2012. Clelia langeri Diet. Herpetological Review 43:657. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2012. Pleurodema guayapae. Egg Predation. Herpetological Review. 43:635. PDF
Schalk, C.M., F. Morales*. 2012. Predation of a Rhinella major (Anura: Bufonidae) by a Pampas Fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus) in the Bolivian Gran Chaco. Herpetology Notes. 5:369-370. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña. 2012. Liophis poecilogyrus (Yellow-bellied Liophis) Diet and Foraging Behavior. Herpetological Review. 43:148. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2012. Physalemus biligonigerus (NCN) Burrow Use. Herpetological Review. 43:123-124. PDF
Acre, M.R., D.J. Leavitt, C.M. Schalk. 2012. A patternless morph of the marbled whiptail (Aspidoscelis marmorata; Squamata: Teiidae) in New Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist. 57:206-207. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña. 2011. Ceratophrys cranwelli (Cranwell’s Horned Frog) Diet. Herpetological Review. 42:409-410. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2010. Ceratophrys cranwelli (Cranwell's Horned Frog) Diet. Herpetological Review. 41:471. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2010. Philodryas mattogrossensis (Two-colored Racer) Diet. Herpetological Review. 41:372. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2010. Liophis peocilogyrus (Yellow-bellied Liophis) Diet. Herpetological Review. 41:366-367. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2010. Physalaemus biligonigerus (NCN) Predation. Herpetological Review. 41:202. PDF
Schalk, C.M., B.A. Crawford, T.M. Luhring. 2009. A note on predation of the Greater Siren (Siren lacertina). Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society. 44:56. PDF
Baxter-Bray, W.S*., B.C. Bowers^, C.S. Adams, C.G.R. Salter,* J.A. Lara*, C.M. Schalk. In review. Amphibian and reptile county records from the pineywoods of northeast Texas, USA. Herpetological Review.
Schalk, C.M., R.L. Antoniazzi, D. Rosenbaum^, J.M. Arnett, A. Pelletier, C.S. Adams, W. Baxter-Bray*. In press. Amphiuma tridactylum (Three-toed Amphiuma) Geographic Distribution. Herpetological Review.
Garcia, N.*, C.M. Schalk. 2020. Incilius nebulifer (Gulf Coast Toad). Polymelia. Herpetological Review. 51:99. PDF
Thompson, D.W.*, C.S. Adams^, C.M Schalk. 2020. Farancia abacura (Red-bellied Mudsnake) Overland Movement. Herpetological Review. 51:142-143. PDF
Childress, J., C.K. Adams, D. Saenz, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Bronze Frog (Lithobates clamitans) entanglement and mortality in an erosion control blanket. Collinsorum. 8:11-12. PDF
Koenig, J.R*, K.L. Jobe*, S.E. Ebert*, C.S. Adams^, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Liodytes rigida (Glossy Swampsnake). Geographic Distribution. Herpetological Review. 50:530-531. PDF
Sosa, R., M. Senzano, C.M. Schalk. 2019. Micrurus pyrrhocryptus. Feeding Habits. Herpetological Review. 50:518-519. PDF
Daza, J.D., L. Price, C.M. Schalk, A.M. Bauer, A.R. Borman, J.K. Peterhans. 2017. Predation on Southern Turnip-tailed geckos (Thecadactylus solimoensis) by a Spectacled Owl (Pulsatrix perspicillata). Cuadernos de Herpetología. 31:37-39. PDF
Schalk, C.M., D.J. Leavitt. 2017. Leptodactylus bufonius. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 905:1-22. PDF
Springer, L.E.*, C.M. Schalk. 2016. Lepidobatrachus laevis. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. 904:1-16. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2016. Rhinella major and Rhinella schneideri (Granular and Rococo Toad). Reproductive Behavior. Herpetological Review. 47:120-121. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2015. Physalaemus nattereri (Cuyaba Dwarf Frog). Tadpole Diet. Herpetological Review. 46:613-614. PDF
Sosa, R.*, C.M. Schalk, L. Braga*, J.N. Pinto-Ledezema. 2015. Rhinella amboroensis. Geographic Distribution. Herpetological Review. 46: 214. PDF
Sosa, R.*, C.M. Schalk, L. Braga*, A.M. Langer. 2015. Apostolepis multicincta. Diet. Herpetological Review. 46:99. PDF
Romano, T.J.*, D.J. Leavitt, C.M. Schalk, D.E. Dittmer, L.A. Fitzgerald. 2014. Vertebrate by-catch of pipeline trenches in the Mescalero-Monahans shinnery sands of southeastern New Mexico. The Prairie Naturalist. 46:95-96. PDF
Montaña, C.G., M. Ceneviva-Bastos, C.M. Schalk. 2014. New vertebrate prey for the aquatic salamander Amphiuma means (Caudata: Amphiumidae). Herpetology Notes. 7:755-756. PDF
Senzano, M.*, C.M. Schalk. 2013. Leptodactylus bufonius (Oven Frog) Predation. Herpetological Review. 44:293-294. PDF
Schalk, C.M., D. Ticona*. 2013. Rhinella schneideri (Rococo Toad) Breeding Site. Herpetological Review. 44:299-300. PDF
Sosa, R.*, L. Braga*, C.M. Schalk, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2013. Micrurus serranus (Coral Verdadera) Diet. Herpetological Review. 44:155. PDF
Sosa, R.*, L. Braga*, C.M. Schalk, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2013. Philodryas psammophidea (Günther's green racer) Diet. The Herpetological Bulletin. 124:24. PDF
Sosa, R., L. Braga*, C.M. Schalk, J.N. Pinto-Ledezma. 2012. Clelia langeri Diet. Herpetological Review 43:657. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2012. Pleurodema guayapae. Egg Predation. Herpetological Review. 43:635. PDF
Schalk, C.M., F. Morales*. 2012. Predation of a Rhinella major (Anura: Bufonidae) by a Pampas Fox (Lycalopex gymnocercus) in the Bolivian Gran Chaco. Herpetology Notes. 5:369-370. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña. 2012. Liophis poecilogyrus (Yellow-bellied Liophis) Diet and Foraging Behavior. Herpetological Review. 43:148. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2012. Physalemus biligonigerus (NCN) Burrow Use. Herpetological Review. 43:123-124. PDF
Acre, M.R., D.J. Leavitt, C.M. Schalk. 2012. A patternless morph of the marbled whiptail (Aspidoscelis marmorata; Squamata: Teiidae) in New Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist. 57:206-207. PDF
Schalk, C.M., C.G. Montaña. 2011. Ceratophrys cranwelli (Cranwell’s Horned Frog) Diet. Herpetological Review. 42:409-410. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2010. Ceratophrys cranwelli (Cranwell's Horned Frog) Diet. Herpetological Review. 41:471. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2010. Philodryas mattogrossensis (Two-colored Racer) Diet. Herpetological Review. 41:372. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2010. Liophis peocilogyrus (Yellow-bellied Liophis) Diet. Herpetological Review. 41:366-367. PDF
Schalk, C.M. 2010. Physalaemus biligonigerus (NCN) Predation. Herpetological Review. 41:202. PDF
Schalk, C.M., B.A. Crawford, T.M. Luhring. 2009. A note on predation of the Greater Siren (Siren lacertina). Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society. 44:56. PDF
Other Publications
Schalk, C.M., M.A. Kwiatkowski, D. Saenz, S.J. Mullin. 2018. Herpetology at Stephen F. Austin State University. Herpetological Review. 49: 779-781. PDF